March 2025 Newsletter

Principal's Message

I can't believe that we are already heading into March break in just over a week.  We wish all families a great break and hope you get a chance to focus on your well-being and are able to have a break and spend time together as a family, whether that be near or far!

Please see below for all of the things happening at Tuck this month.  Have a magnificent March!


Mr. G. Donaldson


John T. Tuck P.S.


JTT Dance-a-thon

Mark your calendars: The Dance-a-thon is happening on Tuesday March 4th! Every class will have an opportunity to particpate in the Recess Remix and dance throughout the day in this event, and to raise money for some new and exciting equipment for creative play within the school. Think about who you can get to sponsor your child to dance to help us meet our $15000 goal!  You can donate online, or using cash in the envelopes provided.  All fundraising is due on Monday, March 3rd.

Ottawa Trip - Final Payment

We have 100% of our Grade 8 students registered to attend our Ottawa Trip in June.  We are so excited to be able to offer this opportunity.  As a reminder, the third and final payment for these students is due on March 31st.  The final $200 payment is available on School Cash Online and we appreciate your prompt attention to this over the month to ensure we have the funds to pay Temple & Temple.  The second payment of $200 was due on February 28th.

Yearbook Cover Contest

Our Yearbook Cover and Front Page contest is now open to all students, and any entries are due by March 21st.  Students can get an entry form at the office.

School Council Meeting

On Monday March 3rd, we have our School Council Meeting at 7:00pm in the school library.  All parents are welcome to attend.  The agenda has us covering topics such as the Dance-a-thon, allocating council funds, the council constitution, and updates on a parent engagement evening. We look forward to connecting with our Parent Council!

Student Excellence

Each year, every school in the HDSB chooses one student to represent the graduating class at the Student Excellence Evening.  This student will be recognized in a board-wide ceremony in May. This year's student representative excels in many aspects of being a both student and a young, active member of society. Not only does her academic profile make her a model student, but she is also a member of many Tuck teams, clubs and other groups. Congratulations to Sophie Correia, Tuck's 2025 representative celebrating Student excellence.  

Updating Student Information

It is necessary to notify the School Office of student information changes (e.g., address, phone number, contacts, etc.) in case of emergency. It is most important to ensure that the school does have a number for at least one emergency contact. It is essential that the school is able to make contact with a parent or designate at all times. Please contact the office if you have new contact information at any point throughout the school year. 

Halton Region Public Health - Oral Health Day and Dental Screening

Oral Health Day at our school is Thursday, March 6, 2025. A Registered Dental Hygienist from Halton Region Public Health will be conducting dental screening for JK and SK students to assess their oral health. Screening results and information about dental financial assistance programs will be sent home in your child's backpack. Dental screening does not replace a check-up with a dental provider. If you DO NOT want your child in JK or SK to have a dental screening OR you would like your child in grades 1-8 to have a dental screening, email or call 311 and provide your child's name, date of birth, school, and grade.

Social Workers

Did you know that Grade 7 & 8 students can access a social worker onsite? Students can make their own self referrals through Mr. Von Zuben in his office near the gym on Tuesday afternoons. Students might consider accessing School Social Work Service if their academic achievement is being affected by concerns like:

Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions

The HDSB has announced additional Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions for parents/guardians this Winter and Spring. We invite staff to attend these sessions and encourage you to help spread the word about these opportunities. Each session will be led by a mental health expert in that area who will share their knowledge and provide helpful information and resources. The upcoming sessions include: 

Families and staff can learn more about the sessions available by visiting our Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions webpage and register online by completing the registration form.  Sessions will be held on Google Meet, where closed captioning is available in various languages. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the session. Questions can be submitted when completing the registration form or during the session. Sessions will not be recorded. 

Days of Significance this Month

Here are the days of significance listed in our HDSB calendar this month. We encourage families to share your traditions and celebrations with your child's classroom teacher, fostering a rich tapestry of learning, celebration and understanding.

28-2 - Losar Tibetan New Year 

1 - Beginning of Bangladeshi Heritage Month​

1 - Beginning of Hellenic Heritage Month

1 - Beginning of Irish Heritage Month

1 - Beginning of Persian Heritage Month

1 - Beginning of Ramadan

5 - Ash Wednesday (1st Day of Lent)

8 - International Women's Day (UN)

10-14 - Spring Break (Schools Closed)

13-14 - Purim 

14-17 - Hola Mohalla

14 - Chet (Sikh New Year)

14 - Holi

20 - Naw-Rúz (Bahá’i New Year)

20 - Ostara (Spring Equinox)

21 - World Down Syndrome Day

21 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

22 - National School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

22 - World Water Day

26 - Epilepsy Awareness Day (Purple Day)

26 - Khordad Sal (Birth of Prophet Zarathushtra)

27 - Laylat al-Qadr

28 - Jumu’atul-Wida

28 - Kuan Yin Birthday

30-31 Eid al-Fitr 

30 - Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji

31 - Transgender Day of Visibility